Safeguarding is everybody’s business. However, there are people who have specific roles in implementing safeguarding policies and procedures.
In the Catholic Church the person with ultimate responsibility for safeguarding is the Church Authority. In our context, the Church Authority is the Province Leader of the European Province of the Christian Brothers.
The Church Authority designates the Safeguarding Office as the entity with responsibility for the overall implementation of safeguarding policies and procedures. In practice, there are a number of designated roles that facilitate this. These are outlined in the organisational chart provided below.
Specific Roles in Safeguarding
Church Authority: The Province Leader of the Christian Brothers European Province, David Gibson cfc.
Director of Safeguarding: He or she reports directly to the Church Authority on all safeguarding matters. The present holder of this post is Mr John McDermott.
Designated Liaison Person (DLP): He or she receives concerns and passes them on to the statutory authorities as appropriate. The current Designated Liaison Person is Mr John McDermott.
Advisory Panel: These are persons who advise the Church Authority as appropriate.
The Support Person: He or she keeps a complainant informed of the process of their case. Currently vacant.
Advisor: He or she keeps the respondent, the person against whom a complaint has been lodged, informed of the process of their case. The current advisor is Mr John McDermott.
Safeguarding Committee: This committee coordinates all activities relating to the implementation of safeguarding (three-year plan, training, annual audit). The members of this committee are: David Gibson cfc, Jim Donovan cfc, Mr Shane Cowley (Chair), Mr John McDermott (Secretary), Sister Sheila Devane, Sister Sheila Murphy.
Safeguarding Trainer: He or she delivers training to relevant personnel in the organisation. The current trainer is Chris Glavey cfc.
Local Safeguarding Council: These are the Boards of Management of ministries in the Province.
Local Safeguarding Representative: He or she is responsible for the following:
- Raising awareness concerning child safeguarding at the local level
- Disseminating information regarding our policies and procedures to all relevant personnel within their centre and/or ministry
- Making sure that all activities involving children are well managed and ensure the safety and well-being of children at all times
- Ensuring that the contact details of the DLP, Gardaí/PSNI and TUSLA/HSCT are available and publicised locally.
The Local Safeguarding Representative is the Director of each ministry site or Community Leader, as appropriate.